• 06/2024 One paper about asynchronous decentralized federated learning accepted by ToN'24 (CCF A)
  • 06/2024 祝贺王伦、朱雨恒、姜志达获得“校优秀毕业生”称号!
  • 06/2024 祝贺姜志达获得中科院院长奖!
  • 06/2024 祝贺团队七位博士生(王竞舟、罗路尧、王志远、王伦、姜志达、张钱宇、陈锁)毕业快乐!
  • 06/2024 祝贺团队十二位硕士生(郭昌禹、刘振、曾庆民、杭鑫、朱雨恒、王格、蒋先强、邹春雨、裘宇航、孙忠、张卫东、曲鹏程)毕业快乐!
  • 06/2024 One paper about parallel split federated learning accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024 (CCF A)
  • 06/2024 One paper about task placement and routing for distributed training accepted by ToN'24 (CCF A)
  • 05/2024 One paper about accelerating distributed training with eBPF accepted by ToN'24 (CCF A)
  • 05/2024 One paper about service availability-guaranteed VM placement accepted by ToN'24 (CCF A)
  • 04/2024 One paper about overcoming noisy Labels and non-IID data accepted by TMC'24 (CCF A).
  • 04/2024 One paper about congestion control in RDMA datacenter networks accepted by IWQoS 2024 (CCF B).
  • 04/2024 One paper about high-performance distributed quantum computing accepted by IWQoS 2024 (CCF B).
  • 04/2024 One paper about in-network aggregation routing with batchsize adjustment accepted by IWQoS 2024 (CCF B).
  • 04/2024 One paper about federated learning with client selection accepted by IWQoS 2024 (CCFB).
  • 04/2024 One paper about dual-channel southbound message delivery in cloud accepted by IWQoS 2024 (CCF B).
  • 04/2024 One paper about reconfigurable datacenters accepted by IWQoS 2024 (CCF B).
  • 04/2024 One paper about coflow completion time in MapReduce by ComNet 2024 (CCF B).
  • 04/2024 One paper about entanglement routing for quantum data networks by ICDCS 2024 (CCF B).
  • 04/2024 One paper about transport protocol for quantum data networks by JSAC 2024 (CCF A).
  • 04/2024 One paper about federated learning with model migration accepted by ToN'24 (CCF A)
  • 04/2024 One paper about collaborative in-network aggregation accepted by ToN'24 (CCF A)
  • 03/2024 One paper about split federated learning with feature merging and batch size regulation accepted by ICDE24 (CCF A)
  • 03/2024 One paper about personalized federated learning with neural architecture search accepted by TMC'24 (CCF A)
  • 02/2024 Gongming Zhao has accepted the TPC invitation for IWQoS 2024
  • 02/2024 One paper about personalized federated learning accepted by TMC'24 (CCF A)
  • 02/2024 One paper about semi-supervised decentralized machine learning accepted by TMC'24 (CCF A)
  • 02/2024 One paper about unified clustering approach for hierarchical federated learning accepted by TMC'24 (CCF A)
  • 02/2024 One paper about personalized federated learning accepted by TMC'24 (CCF A)
  • 01/2024 Gongming Zhao has accepted the TPC invitation for ICA3PP 2024
  • 01/2024 Hongli Xu has accepted the TPC invitation for ICNP 2024
  • 01/2024 One paper about in-network aggregation with route selection accepted by WWW'24 (CCF A)
  • 12/2023 Hongli Xu has accepted the TPC invitation for ICDCS 2024
  • 12/2023 One paper about programmable device deployment accepted by ComNet (CCF B)
  • 12/2023 祝贺团队获批“面向云AI训练的资源调度技术合作”项目!
  • 12/2023 祝贺团队获批“自定义VPC下多Kubernetes集群网络互联”项目!
  • 12/2023 祝贺闫家铭获得元庆奖学金!
  • 12/2023 One paper about lightweight federated learning with adaptive neural composition accepted by INFOCOM'24 (CCF A)
  • 12/2023 One paper about semi-supervised federated learning accepted by ICDE'24 (CCF A)
  • 12/2023 One paper about XDP-based distributed training gradient aggregation acceleration accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 11/2023 One paper about decentralized federated learning for heterogeneous participants accepted by TMC'23 (CCF A)
  • 11/2023 One paper about federated learning in heterogeneous edge systems accepted by TPDS'23 (CCF A)
  • 11/2023 One paper about model aggregation for decentralized federated learning by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 10/2023 祝贺罗路尧、曾庆民获得华为奖学金;方缙获得中国电科十四所国睿奖学金;廖云铭获得苏州育才奖学金!
  • 10/2023 祝贺杨城获得深交所奖学金;张钱宇获得英特尔奖学金;王伦获得阿斯麦奖学金;刘佳维、朱秋成获得苏州工业园区奖学金!
  • 10/2023 祝贺王竞舟、姜志达获得博士研究生国家奖学金!(全院仅6人)
  • 10/2023 祝贺杨澜获得硕士研究生国家奖学金!
  • 09/2023 Hongli Xu has accepted the TPC invitation for INFOCOM 2024
  • 09/2023 祝贺团队徐宏力老师作为第一完成人完成的“软件定义网络资源优化分配机理研究” 项目荣获 2022 年安徽省自然科学奖一等奖!
  • 09/2023 祝贺团队赵功名老师荣获中国科学院优秀博士学位论文奖!
  • 09/2023 祝贺团队徐宏力老师荣获中国科学院优秀导师称号!
  • 09/2023 祝贺团队获批“云融公司高性能算力网络关键技术研究”项目!
  • 09/2023 祝贺团队获批“基于可编程网络的分布式训练在网加速研究”国自然面上项目!
  • 09/2023 One paper about enhancing federated learning with hierarchical neural architecture search accepted by TMC'23 (CCF A)
  • 09/2023 One paper about block-wise federated learning in heterogeneous edge computing accepted by ToN'23(CCF A)
  • 09/2023 One paper about accelerating asynchronous federated learning in edge computing accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 08/2023 祝贺团队刘建春老师荣获ACM合肥优秀博士学位论文奖!
  • 08/2023 祝贺团队获批“花瓣云终端云联邦学习算法优化技术研究”项目!
  • 08/2023 One paper about federated learning in heterogeneous edge systems accepted by TMC'23 (CCF A)
  • 08/2023 One paper about accelerating asynchronous federated learning in edge computing accepted by TMC'23 (CCF A)
  • 08/2023 One paper about accelerating decentralized machine learning accepted by TPDS'23 (CCF A)
  • 07/2023 Gongming Zhao has accepted the TPC invitation for ICPADS 2023
  • 07/2023 祝贺团队获批“华为NaaS分布式QoS优化算法技术合作”项目!
  • 07/2023 One paper about enhancing federated learning accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 07/2023 One paper about accelerating federated learning with data and model parallelism accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 06/2023 祝贺团队四位博士生(姚达、凃化清、陈旻、马振国)毕业快乐!
  • 06/2023 祝贺团队七位硕士生(郁新峰、喻言、陈乾、娄文霄、詹韩峰、王峰、戴航)毕业快乐!
  • 05/2023 祝贺团队获批OPPO端云联邦学习算法优化技术研究项目!
  • 05/2023 One paper about segmented quantum entanglement accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 05/2023 One paper about elastic resource provisioning accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 04/2023 [INFOCOM 2024] Hongli Xu has accepted the TPC invitation
  • 04/2023 One paper about forwarding framework accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 04/2023 One paper about enhancing federated Learning accepted by TMC'23 (CCF A)
  • 03/2023 祝贺姜志达、廖云铭、罗路尧、张钱宇获得苏州工业园区奖学金!
  • 03/2023 祝贺赵功名荣获中国电子学会优秀博士毕业论文奖!
  • 03/2023 祝贺团队获批“华为云东数西算Regionless调度技术合作”项目!
  • 02/2023 One paper about VM placement accpeted by TPDS'23 (CCF A)
  • 02/2023 One paper about computation and communication efficient federated Learning accepted by TMC'23 (CCF A)
  • 02/2023 One paper about enhancing decentralized federated learning by accepted ICDE'23 (CCF A)
  • 02/2023 One paper about in-network aggregation accepted by ToN'23 (CCF A)
  • 01/2023 祝贺团队赵功名老师入选中国科学院青年创新促进会!
  • 12/2022 One paper about personalized federated learning accepted by TMC'22 (CCF A)
  • 12/2022 One paper about cost efficient traffic engineering accepted by INFOCOM'23 (CCF A)
  • 12/2022 One paper about tenant task placement accepted by INFOCOM'23 (CCF A)
  • 12/2022 One paper about adaptive configuration for heterogeneous participants accepted by INFOCOM'23 (CCF A)
  • 12/2022 One paper about heterogeneity-aware federated learning accepted by INFOCOM'23 (CCF A)
  • 12/2022 祝贺张钱宇获得DPCS 2022优秀博士生论坛最佳报告奖!
  • 11/2022 One paper about accelerating federated learning with DNN partitioning and Offloading accepted by ComNet (CCF B)
  • 11/2022 One paper about decentralized federated learning with intermediate results accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 10/2022 祝贺马振国获环球数码科技奖学金优秀奖!
  • 10/2022 祝贺凃化清获得博士研究生国家奖学金!
  • 10/2022 祝贺廖云铭获得硕士研究生国家奖学金!
  • 10/2022 Invited to serve as a TPC member for IEEE ICDCS'23
  • 08/2022 One paper about request scheduling in software-defined cloud computing accepted by TPDS (CCF A)
  • 07/2022 One paper about robust request scheduling accepted by ComNet (CCF B)
  • 07/2022 One paper about service function chain routing accepted by SECON (CCF B)
  • 07/2022 One paper about southbound message delivery accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 06/2022 祝贺刘建春获得中国科学技术大学优秀博士学位论文!(本年度计算机学院/大数据学院唯一获得者)
  • 06/2022 One paper about adaptive control of local updating and model compression accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 05/2022 恭喜团队骨干赵阳明研究员、赵功名副研究员获得华为“火花奖”!
  • 05/2022 祝贺罗路尧、王竞舟获得IEEE INFOCOM 2022学生会议奖学金!
  • 05/2022 One paper about accelerating decentralized federated learning accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 05/2022 恭喜实验室陈旻、张钱宇、罗路尧、方缙、刘佳维五位博士生受邀在华为云InnovWave论坛做论文报告与技术交流!
  • 04/2022 Invited to serve as a TPC member for IEEE INFOCOM'23
  • 04/2022 One paper about throughput maximization in quantum networks accepted by IEEE ICDCS (CCF B)
  • 04/2022 One paper about scalable and flexible policy enforcement accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 04/2022 Hongli Xu has agreed to serve as a TPC member of MASS'22
  • 03/2022 恭喜团队负责人徐宏力教授获得华为“火花奖”!
  • 02/2022 恭喜团队负责人徐宏力教授获得华为上海研究所“2021年优秀技术成果奖”!
  • 02/2022 One paper about enhancing federated learning with intelligent model migration accepted by IEEE ICDE 2022 (CCF A)
  • 02/2022 恭喜团队华为合作项目“Cloud Fabric网络关键技术研究”被华为评为“优秀技术成果”!(每年仅10%项目获奖)
  • 01/2022 One paper about accelerating federated learning with cluster construction and hierarchical aggregation accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 12/2021 祝贺王竞舟获得元庆奖学金!
  • 12/2021 祝贺刘建春、刘佳维、陈旻分别获得姑苏优秀学生特等、一等、二等奖学金!
  • 12/2021 祝贺王竞舟、王伦获得苏州工业园区奖学金!
  • 12/2021 One paper about scalable and robust east-west communication framework in clouds accepted by USENIX NSDI 2022 (CCF A)
  • 12/2021 One paper about robustness-aware real-time SFC routing update scheme accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 12/2021 One paper about throughput maximization in quantum networks accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2022 (CCF A)
  • 12/2021 One paper about virtual network topology-aware southbound message delivery accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2022 (CCF A)
  • 12/2021 One paper about real-time request updating with elastic resource provisioning accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2022 (CCF A)
  • 12/2021 One paper about robust service mapping in multi-tenant clouds accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 11/2021 One paper about adaptive model pruning for federated learning accepted by IEEE ICDE 2022 (CCF A)
  • 11/2021 One paper about federated learning with unlabeled data accepted by IEEE ICDE 2022 (CCF A)
  • 10/2021 祝贺刘建春获得江淮蔚来奖学金!
  • 10/2021 祝贺范兴鹏获得华为奖学金!
  • 10/2021 祝贺王志远、王竞舟获得硕士研究生国家奖学金!
  • 10/2021 Invited to serve as a TPC member for IEEE Globecom 2022 CISS
  • 10/2021 Invited to serve as a PC member for IEEE EDGE 2021
  • 09/2021 One paper about semi-asynchronous training mechanism for federated learning accepted by IEEE JSAC (CCF A)
  • 09/2021 One paper about learning-based adaptive topology construction for distributed machine learning accepted by IEEE JSAC (CCF A)
  • 08/2021 One paper about improving training accuracy and time of federated learning accepted by Computer Networks (CCF B)
  • 07/2021 One paper about adaptive asynchronous federated learning accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 07/2021 One paper about achieving high reliability and throughput in SDNs accepted by Computer Networks (CCF B)
  • 07/2021 One paper about real-time update of joint SFC and routing in SDNs accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 05/2021 One paper about cooperative flow statistics collection accepted by IEEE TCOM (CCF B)
  • 04/2021 One paper about offloading dependent tasks in MEC accepted by IEEE TPDS (CCF A)
  • 04/2021 One paper about burstiness management in SDNs accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 04/2021 One paper about robust VM placement in clouds accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2021(CCF B)
  • 04/2021 One paper about real-time SFC routing update accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2021(CCF B)
  • 04/2021 One paper about efficient federated learning in edge computing accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 03/2021 Invited to serve as a TPC member for IEEE MASS
  • 03/2021 Invited to serve as a TPC member for IEEE IPCCC
  • 03/2021 One paper about robust task offloading in dynamic edge computing accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 12/2020 Two papers about edge intelligent accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2021 (CCF A)
  • 12/2020 One paper about robust service mapping accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2021 (CCF A)
  • 12/2020 One paper about distributed ML tasks assignment at the edge accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A)
  • 10/2020 One paper about Incremental VNF Deployment in SDNs accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 10/2020 One paper about Fine-Grained Flow Management in SDNs accepted by IEEE TPDS (CCF A)
  • 10/2020 祝贺陈旻、陈琐、马振国、凃化清、王志远获得苏州工业园区奖学金!
  • 10/2020 祝贺刘建春获得博士研究生国家奖学金!
  • 06/2020 Invited to serve as a TPC member for IEEE INFOCOM'21 (CCF A)
  • 06/2020 One paper about Joint Routing and Sketch Selection accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN (CCF A)
  • 05/2020 One paper about Load Balancing with Resource Constraints accepted by Computer Networks (CCF B)
  • 04/2020 Invited to Serve as a TPC member for IEEE IPCCC 2020
  • 04/2020 Awarded the Distinguished TPC member for INFOCOM 2020
  • 04/2020 One paper about Lightweight Traffic Measurement for SDNs accepted by IEEE TPDS (CCF A)
  • 03/2020 Project on Key Technologies on CloudFabric Network Platform supported by Huawei